Jagriti school has contacts with Schools and other related organizations, hospitals, institutes and individual professionals etc. These interactions enable us
to refer our children for specialised services. |
to have workshops for parents and give them inputs on latest developments in cerebral palsy. |
to sensitize the society and bring awareness about cerebral palsy. |
to integrate children in mainstream education. |
to help in employment placements. |
Training of professionals is also an important activity - External training is received by Jagriti staff during workshops conducted by related organizations throughout the year all over India.
Training and internships are provided to students studying Special Education, Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy and other professional courses that would be related to our field like Architecture, Clinical psychology, Child development, Nutrition from recognised colleges and universities.
Jagriti staff are also visit as resource personnel to conduct lectures in the respective training colleges.
We collaborate with corporates and other institutes for sale of the art materials prepared by our adult trainees of the Sheltered Workshop.
Jagriti school participates in the various events and competitions organized by external institutes / Organizations for the students.