Child rights which works for the Rights of Children. This Sector is working in the two major cities of Maharashtra namely Nashik and Pune. For the purpose of this project, anybody less than 18 years of age will be considered a child. It will primarily involve working with children in extremely vulnerable situations such as those living on the streets, working children, children in institutionalized care etc.
Rights of the children will include, the rights that are clearly laid down by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which was ratified by India in the year 1992. The charter of CRC is based on the principle that "All children are born with fundamental freedoms and all human beings have some inherent rights". CRC bestows the rights to survival, development, protection and participation as the four basic rights on children all across the globe.
A survey was conducted in both the terras before starting the project street children. Nearly 80% of the street children in Pune are with street living families. From those families 52% children are never been to school. Children living on streets of Pune city mainly do begging for their survival. These children are inadequately protected or supervised by responsible adults. They have no proper place to stay, no food security, no access to meet health requirements and almost no access to fulfill their developmental and recreational needs.
At present the Sector is reaching out to the 130 children in Pune and 75 In Nashik who are vulnerable. This is the center where all developmental needs of child are try to fulfill. . The main problem affecting children living on streets is the lack of access to secure environment. Children face different forms of abuse and exploitation on the streets from family as well as from outside world. Therefore, the primary focus while working with this group of children has been to provide them a safe and secure environment. For these reason we will also concentrate on the awareness sessions with other children who are vulnerable to child abuse and also aware them about their.
Objective of the sector in totality |
Child Rights is a sector which is mainly concentrate upon the protecting and promoting the ‘rights of children’.
The project is run in the area where these children are living. These areas are identified through primary survey. After the need identification the rapport building sessions were conducted and after those non formal educative sessions are started on respective areas these are the outreach points. According to needs and numbers of beneficiaries Child Friendly Center is set. Child Friendly Center and the out reach points are base on the non formal education setup. Through child friendly center and out reach point we are try to secure their rights and also try to fulfill their all developmental needs. Here the nutrition is providing to children to secure their nutrition need. The recreational and developmental activities are arranging for them as in the form of visits, games, annual programmes and puppet shows etc. The counseling and health services are also provided to them as per their need. These children are living in to
Health Check-ups for street children |
the most insecure environment where they are vulnerable to various types of abuse. We are arranging the sessions on the awareness on child abuse and Child rights in the different groups of vulnerable children where Awakening Jagriti have their intervention. We will also collaborate and network with other bodies working in the same field.
One of the major action is a ‘Formation of Child Councils’ will be carried out in all four terras of Pune, Nashik, Velhe and Nagercoil. The Child council is an action from which we are trying to reach out the maximum number of children. The activity is carries out with the school children. In these we try to ensure the Right to participation among children. In this activity we are trying to create awareness among children about their rights and also sensitize their parents and teachers.
Child council (Balsabha) has been formed in sponsored schools for the students of standard 5th to 7th. Children being the prime component of the school can contribute effectively in making the school environment more conducive for education. The major objectives of this activity are to promote group work in students, to develop leadership skills among them, to create awareness about their rights and responsibilities and to help them understand the democratic system.
The activity involves formation of groups and selection of group leaders in a democratic way, followed by a number of sessions which is largely contributed towards working on specified issues. The first session focuses mainly on problem identification and techniques for work related to issues in schools. The topics for work mainly consisted of issues such as homework, discipline, absenteeism, irregularity to schools, cleanliness etc. The records of work done by the groups were kept in the record books called as a “Balsabha Gammat Wahi” by the group leaders and members.
For follow-up, second session are being conducted with the students where motivation and proper guidelines are provided for better functioning of the groups. This again is followed by third session where active groups are selected for the final event of the Balsabha.
Achievements till date
We are presently working in Pune city on two outreach points and have two CFC. In Nashik city we nave one CFC and three outreach points. |
Till date we provide services to nearly 400 vulnerable children in both the terras. |
At present we addressed to the 200 children in both the terras. |
We were conducted a survey on the living condition of street children in Pune city. |
We were enrolled nearly 50 children up to now in the formal school in both the terras. |